Saturday, 14 December 2013

New ,new , new ...

So yestarday i got a new laptop and i was staying up all night just to get all my old programs back and all my other stuff , but most of my time i was designing my own wall paper only becasue i can NEVER and im talking never can find a good enough wallpaper that goes to my standarts (wierdo) so its like a collage and when i was doing that i used an online product called "Photovisi" its great but back to the story i was nearly done like really 99% done then i clicked on the wrong thing and it was gone totaly gone and i strted crying my eyes out coz i spent like 2 hours making it . so i started doing another one when i onluy needed 1 more photo guess what the  limit was only 39 photos just why 39 why couldent they round it up to 40 like WTF , so i had to spent another 1 and a half hours fixing everything had to make the sizes right put it ina right place and i was finaly done at 1 in the morning and here is the result i mean i pretty proud of it , its really girly i guess i love it , its just perfect hope you like it as well so heres the screen shot of it...
i just find it cute so i wanted to share you a story about how easily i can cry when i love something and i loose it lolz STAYA AWESOMA PEEPSA!!


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